What can The RISE Lab provide your youth athlete?

A successful, safe, and fun strength training experience for your kids should be able to answer these questions:

  1. Is the process and program evidence-based, meaning, is it backed-up with science and research?

  2. Is the professional able to succinctly explain the rationales behind their system, everything from exercise selection, exercise order, sets and reps, and technical adjustments?

  3. Do they even have a system, built with progressions/regressions, individualization, and specificity to the athlete(s)?

  4. Has the professional successfully gone through all the aspects of formal education and experience in athletic development?

  5. Is the professional actively seeking continuing education for self-improvement and to remain current with the field?

  6. Does the program specific to the athlete’s goals and maturation variables (physical, mental, and emotional)?

The programs at The RISE Lab, from the initial assessment to implementation of program, are developed by the founder and athletic performance specialist. Everything is designed to build strength, movement competence, and overall confidence!