Is your child looking for further coaching regarding their swing? Hitting a round ball with a round bat is the hardest task to successfully complete in sports. Now introducing: RISE Swing Analysis. For $25, RISE will analyze all components of your child’s swing: from their stance to their follow through. Weaknesses and strengths within each component of the swing will be identified. Constructive feedback on what and how your child can improve their body positions of the swing will be provided. Complete this form to get started!


Who: any softball/baseball player between the age of 10-18 years old

What: detailed analyses of the swing using the motion analysis software, Dartfish.

Where: anywhere! You do not need to be local to RISE to have access to this service. While coming to the RISE Lab for analysis is do-able, the analysis can also happen remotely via cell phone cameras and email.


When: anytime! With softball and baseball seasons running year-round, if and when your child needs their swing checked, contact RISE!

Why: hitting a ball is hard enough. While there are many aspects that need to be considered to be a successful hitter, analyses like the one RISE provides can at least provide feedback on the proper body positions and timing of the swing, aka. the mechanics.

Why RISE: Head Athletic Performance Specialist, Cisco Reyes, researched the mechanics and manipulation of the baseball swing during his Masters and PhD programs. His research led to three published studies in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning and Sports Biomechanics. He has continued staying current with coaching the evolution of the swing.

How: complete this on-boarding questionnaire and RISE will get back to you on the remaining steps. In summary, you will send videos of your child hitting and we will analyze your swing, phase by phase, with feedback. We will return to you videos and pictures with the analysis and general recommendations on what you and your child needs to do to improve the mechanics.

Reyes, G. F. and Dolny, D. G. (2009). Acute effects of various weighted bat warm-ups protocols on bat velocity. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(7): 2114-2118.

Reyes, G. F., Dickin, D. C., Dolny, D. G. & Crusat, N. J. K. (2010). Effects of muscular strength, exercise order, and acute whole-body vibration exposure on bat swing speed. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24(12): 3234-3240.

Reyes, G. F., Dickin, D. C., Crusat, N. J. K., & Dolny, D. G. (2011). Whole-body vibration effects on the muscle activity of upper and lower body muscles during the baseball swing in recreational baseball hitters. Sports Biomechanics, 10(4): 280-293.

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