Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

I took the opportunity this morning to go to a group exercise class for two reasons: (1) to support my wife in her exercise and fitness goals and (2) to continue to learn and hone my craft by seeing how other fitness professionals lead a session. I should have known it was trouble when I saw several BOSU balls out……haha!….those that know me well know my feelings on BOSU balls……

Being in the health and fitness industry is a double-edged sword: it’s great in that it’s not regulated by the government so there is A LOT of freedom in how you train clients, BUUUUTTTT because it’s not regulated ANYONE with a pulse can call themselves a H&F professional because they watched a few YouTube videos and took a weekend “certification” course. In other words, I just can’t decide to be a civil engineer by watching a YouTube video on how to build a bridge with toothpicks, then build a few LEGO sets, and take an online certification course. BOOM! 100K IN MY BANK ACCOUNT! But ANYONE can just one day decide to be a fitness trainer. So the leader of this group exercise class looked the part: muscular build, “hip” clothing and shoes, and had a lot of energy and charisma (which I admired). Unfortunately, if you look the part, that makes you an expert, at least in the eyes of the general population. As he led the circuit of exercises, starting with the warm-up, his exercises were far too advanced and out-dated.

He had us doing burpees with double-leg donkey kicks into a tuck jump, V-ups, sit-ups, and other highly-technical exercises for time and reps. I looked around and saw clients who were pregnant, wearing knee braces, and overweight, trying to do these advanced moves. Did this exercise leader understand the pre-requisites to perform a V-Up? Does he understand the long-term effects of low back health with repeated bending of the spine, such as during V-ups and sit-ups? Do his clients have the abdominal isometric strength to keep their low back in a good position, in order for the hip flexors to properly perform the V-ups and sit-ups? Do his clients have the movement capability of a true hip hinge, so they can maintain a neutral back during bent-over rows? 99% of the people didn’t have that. I saw horrendous form, with people just trying to survive the several rounds of 45-seconds of all-out work. BUT HE WAS RUNNING AROUND HIGH-FIVING PEOPLE…..GO TEAM GO! No regressions of exercises and no clue on who his audience was. We’re just Everyday Joe and Janes, not elite movers and professional athletes.

When a H&F professional doesn’t have an exercise system that fits their audience……run away. Not only are they increasing risk of injury, but you’re providing a deflated sense of self to the participants. When I attended a session at the same spot last Saturday, I admired how the group leader (a different one than today’s Bro) carefully explained all the regressions of each station/exercise and encouraged all to find the regression that best fits them. THANK YOU!

Did today’s Bro know that most overweight/obese people do not feel comfortable doing exercises while lying on the ground? I looked around and couldn’t help but see faces of dejection, confusion, and being over-whelmed. Do you think those types of people are going to want to come back? We, as H&F professionals should want our clients to feel CONFIDENT and EMPOWERED after a sweaty session.

To his credit, I loved his energy and passion he led with. His “plan” got me a good “bro-pump” with the exercises. What guy doesn’t like to have a good “bro-pump?” I was impressed with his ability to demonstrate the tough moves too.

Anyone can make any one else tired for 45 minutes. But only the quality H&F professionals know how to push the body physically, while still making it individualized to each person’s movement abilities and goals, and understanding the psychological affects for exercise adherence. We, as H&F professionals, need to understand the art of coaching and do better……

On the bright side, at least his music choices was on point…..#hiphop #saweety #mytype #2000shiphop

…..Oh, and my wife left with a hurting back…..I wonder why?

Cisco Reyes